Northern Trust Corp. – 2012 50 Out Front # 17

Northern Trust Corp.

Chicago, IL
12,800 employees
CEO: Frederick H. Waddell
CDE: Mark Welch

Diversity mission: Fostering and supporting a globally diverse and inclusive workforce is a fundamental strength of Northern Trust that helps us succeed as a business enterprise and community advocate.

At Northern Trust (NTC), a diversified workforce is considered one of the company’s strongest assets, which helps to serve clients, investors, the public, and the company. As evidence of its success, it highlights industry acknowledgement of its diversified ranks. The company believes in fostering a globally diverse and inclusive workforce. Its hiring reflects that commitment; 35% of its US employees are minorities, and globally, 50% are women. The company has programs and initiatives that have helped it become among the most innovative and progressive financial institutions for promoting diversity/equal opportunity among its workers. It starts at the top with governance, including four women among its 12 senior leaders. The firm participates in programs that place value on the advancement of women and people of color, such as Catalyst, Chicago United, the Chicago Network and Mentiuum. NTC practices business under the principle that its employees should reflect the range of race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender, age, and physical ability of the communities where it operates.

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