Sprint Nextel Corp. – 2012 50 Out Front #4

Sprint Nextel Corp.

Overland Park, KS
40,000 employees
CEO: Dan Hesse
CDE: Ralph D. Reid

Diversity mission: Inclusion and diversity promote a sense of creativity and innovation that generates a unique connection between the workplace and the marketplace. This connection allows us to see the world from a broader perspective and to service our customers in more meaningful ways.

Dan Hesse, Sprint Nextel CEO, says,“At Sprint, we create an environment people want to work in. We support programs that encourage diversity and cultural viewpoints, such as employee resource groups, mentoring programs and career development tools. This, in turn, allows us to provide the best customer experience for our diverse customer base.” Hesse and other senior leaders comprise Sprint’s executive diversity council, which was established in 2003. It is responsible for overseeing inclusion and diversity strategies and ensuring that these initiatives remain a priority throughout the company. The Office of Inclusion and Diversity works to maximize efforts as an inclusive company through its employees, the community, its suppliers and through multicultural marketing. Sprint’s corporate policy statement reads: “Sprint’s vision to be a world-class company, the standard by which others are measured, includes a commitment to developing a world class supplier base that is reflective of the communities we serve. Over the past decade, Sprint has shown significant gains in purchases from women, minority, disabled veteran and small businesses. It is imperative we continue to identify and utilize a variety of quality suppliers who are able to meet our business needs. These mutually beneficial relationships help diverse businesses succeed and Sprint gain a competitive supplier base and access to broader markets. In order for Sprint to remain a leader in the integrated telecommunications industry, it is the responsibility of each Sprint Employee to be inclusive in their daily business decisions when selecting the best suppliers for our company.” Outside its walls, the company spends a lot of time promoting its inclusion and diversity message at conferences sponsored by organizations such as the NAACP, National Urban League and the National Council of La Raza. In Sprint’s view, inclusion and diversity promote a sense of creativity and innovation that generates a unique and effective connection between the workplace and the marketplace. They believe the connection helps ensure Sprint’s success in attracting and retaining talent and reaching diverse markets. Sprint is committed to the growth and success of its inclusion and diversity initiatives and continues to explore opportunities to ensure it remains a world-class communications company. Some recent awards in garnered in 2011 include Diversity Elite 60 in Hispanic Business magazine, 50 Best Companies for Latinas, in Latina Style magazine, Most Valuable Employers for Military from CivilianJobs.com and a member of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Million Dollar Club for being a leader in supplier diversity and integrating Hispanic enterprises into strategic sourcing processes.

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