Arrie Denise Thomas-Williams, D.MIN – 2012 Top 100 Under 50 Diverse Executive Leader Awardee

Arrie Denise Thomas-Williams, D.MIN

HR consultant
Perpetual Consulting Group
Samuel Dewitt Proctor School Of Theology/Virginia Union University

Thomas-Williams is founder/president of Perpetual, a Chicago-based human resources, organizational development, and entrepreneurial organization dedicated to providing these services to individuals and for-profit and non-profit enterprises. Since its inception in 2004, it has provided consulting and project management services to over 50 clients in various industries, including conservation and tourism, human capital consulting/outsourcing, social science research, outplacement consulting, wireless telecommunication, chemicals and finishings, healthcare, banking and financial services, brokerage and securities, media/advertising, social services, child care/early childhood development, higher-education, and food and restaurant management. In 2009, Thomas-Williams started HR Pursuits, a professional and leadership development networking enterprise dedicated to developing leaders and connecting individuals to professionals, practitioners, scholars, and religious leaders who serve as pursuit consultants. She also serves and has served on various corporate and professional boards. She was named 2009 Recruiter of the Year by the Chicago Association of Minority Recruiters, and is working on her first book.

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